Gracious Lord,
You are the Giver of Life, renew our trust in you, so that we may receive the new life that you give to us. Give us the courage to let go of our old, dying selves, and cling to our new life in Christ, and make our lives shine with joy over the miracle of your creation. Amen
Today's word is #new. For this theme, how could I not post a picture of my new son, Oskar Thomas. Oskar is literally brand new in this picture, only minutes old, and he doesn't seem real happy about it. New life for him is overwhelming, it's so much more open and vast than life in the womb, and it is all completely strange to him. Almost all, that is...
What isn't strange to him is the sound of his mother's voice, and hopefully my voice.
What isn't strange is the feeling of being wrapped up and held and made to feel secure.
Right now, even though he's only weeks old, it is a vital time for Oskar as his sense of trust is developing. In his dependence, he is learning that there are people who love him and will be there for him, and as this happens, it enables him to face the new things in life with joy, wonder, and love, not fear and suspicion.
Being made "new" wouldn't necessarily be a positive thing if it meant being born, or re-born into a world of fear. Yet the new life that we have been given is a life given to us out of love and the eternal goodness of God. Just as Oskar is learning to trust in his parents, may we learn to trust in our Creator whose care of us is greater than even our care of our own children.
About Lenten Prayer as CtK:
During Lent, I am inviting all of you at Christ the King, and anyone who would be willing to join us, to engage in praying together, seeking to hear God and be guided by Christ's life in our life together. To guide these prayers, I will be posting pictures centered around a word for the day. This comes from the facebook group: Please feel free to join me in posting pictures and thoughts to your social media accounts or to the comments of this blog.
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