Usually, I don’t pay a lot of attention to the weather, but
this past week, it was almost, ALMOST, a relief to tune into the big storm that
we got. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly am not rejoicing at the mountain of
snow piled up outside my office window, but I am glad that this storm got us
talking about something other than deflated footballs.
As a converted Pats fan (my loyalties continue to reside
first with the Vikings) the constant talk about what happened with
“Deflategate”, as it has come to be known, was losing my interest. What has
been so nauseating to me through this debacle, is that the default position for
many, in regards to Tom Brady and Bill Belichik, after they said they had
nothing to do with the condition of the footballs, was that they were lying.
Hearing many self-righteous pundits and former athletes take this default
position was hard on the ears for two reasons.
Therefore, even though it took 2 feet of snow to do it, I’m
happy that a little air has been taken out of the “Deflategate” story.
The 8th Commandment tells us that we shall not
“bear false witness against our neighbor.” The simple explanation is that we
shouldn’t lie about others. But a broader way to look at this commandment,
following the lead of Martin Luther, is that we are to use our words to build
up our neighbor(s), and that whenever we are speaking about someone else, to
take the utmost care to convey them in a positive sense. We as Christians act
with mercy and grace, not only by being forgiving, but in giving the benefit of
the doubt to others, and seeking to put the best construction on their words
and actions, not simply jump to the worst possible conclusions.
In the end, “Deflategate” is kind of fun, because it’s about
a game, and even if there is something serious going on, these are not the
things to waste our passion for justice on. At the same time, in our life
together as the Body of Christ, using our speech and communications about each
other is of the utmost importance. We are all different people with different
perspectives and opinions, who also make mistakes and say the wrong things. The
8th Commandment is a gift to us from God, so that accusation and
distrust don’t have to be a part of any big discussion, decision, or our
general life together.
In the past months, we’ve been having some of these big
discussions, and going through some big decisions. I’ve told more than one
person that even as we go through these things, the tone of the congregation
has generally been positive and helpful. As we go forward, we remember that
life gives us many situations. Sometimes we get two feet of snow, and we work
together, follow the rules, help each other out and make the best of it. Other
times, a sports team achieves a great accomplishment, and every effort is made
to minimize and detract from this. May we remember to let the life-giving Word
of God, full of grace and love, be the words we share with each other, through
all things! Go Pats!
In Christ,
Pr. Mark
P.S. I once was accused of a roommate for not acting very
“Christian”, when I was saying unkind things about Brett Favre and the Packers
while watching a game. I won’t defend my actions, I will only say that I am a
sinner in need of the grace of God…especially when it comes to the Packers.
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