Tomorrow's Gospel reading is John 2:1-11; Jesus' first miracle in that gospel, when he changes water into wine at a wedding feast.
In John's gospel, the miracles of Jesus serve the purpose of being signs to the fact that Jesus is not only human, but also divine. Who else but the Son of God could do such things? In a sense, Jesus is telling all who witness these great acts to LISTEN!
These miraculous signs have been written down and passed on to us, so that we may hear of them and LISTEN as well. LISTEN to the One who has the power to perform such things and LISTEN to the nature of God to whom these signs point. In the appointed reading for tomorrow, we hear of a God who is generously abundant and freely gives of that abundance.
Notice, that Jesus makes the wine, the best wine, for everyone at the feast. There is no charge, or holding back, all that Jesus has, he gives, with no preconditions or discrimination. Also, Jesus isn't blessing some austere gathering with a mere morsel to get them by, this is a party that will keep on rocking because of Jesus' generous miracle. Truly, in this miracle, God's gracious abundance,and power are on display. This sign then, clearly points us to my two emphasis in our listening; first, that we LISTEN to God because of God's superiority to us (the power of the miracle) and second, that our LISTENING is life-giving, good news for us, because it comes from a God of grace (the gift of the wine for all people).
It would seem like a no-brainer for us to LISTEN to the performer of the miracle, Jesus and follow him no matter what. Certainly, we would assume that the people 2000 years ago would have had an even easier time of doing what Jesus asks after such a powerful and gracious sign. What's more, Jesus continued to perform these signs; feeding thousands of people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, healing a blind man, and even bringing Lazarus back from the dead; all of which were not only amazing,but gracious. Still, the people went beyond not listening, they rebelled against the bringer of Good News, as do we and Jesus is crucified.
In the crucifixion, we see the ultimate graciousness of God. Nothing is held back, not even for those who drove the nails, and forgiveness is absolutely proclaimed rather than punishment. And we see God's miraculous power at work as well, when the Son of God is raised to new life, and ascends to the Father, a sure sign of who Jesus is for all times and all places. This is the gift we receive when Jesus comes to us centuries later and continents away to proclaim to give us the great sign of his life and love for us.
As we LISTEN to this Good News today, we remember that Jesus didn't stay at the party forever. Rather, he went out into the world and called attention to, called people to LISTEN to those who the party left. The people who society has determined aren't worthy, wealthy, healthy, enough to receive the abundance of God. In fact, rules and laws were made not only to keep them out, but to give the insiders self-righteous justification for the suffering that their sin perpetrates and perpetuates upon that which God has made.
This week, we will not gather to dine on the great feast of our Lord, which transforms the sin and death we give into grace and life. instead, we will be paying attention to how water is being made into snow, sleet, and ice; perhaps with no small amount of consternation and complaint. As we LISTEN to the sound of water transforming in the Gospel and in nature, may we prayerfully LISTEN to Jesus proclaiming God's gracious power for us. And may we LISTEN boldly for the cries of those for whom the weather, the government shutdown, inhuman separation policies, addictive substances, unfettered violence, and selfish apathy have seemingly left outside the party gates. May we LISTEN and hear the voice of Jesus proclaiming Good News. May we LISTEN and know that in those places of suffering, grief, and despair is where God truly throws the best parties.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we give thanks for the bringer of such miraculous signs! Amen